What has Ethan been up to since the last post? Plenty!!
He now weighs 13 pounds 8 ounces. He will be 17 weeks old tomorrow.
Sleeping with a tiny blood pressure cuff on at the doctor's |
He has begin an oral medicine for the hemangioma on his lip. We can already see a color change and it has gotten a little smaller.
He had a visit from his Great Auntie E. It was great fun to have her for a two night stay. So much fun we almost didn't get her back to the airport on time;) We wanted to keep her!!
He can roll onto his side.

Ethan found his feet! He is aware that he has feet. It is very cute when he is sitting in your lap and begins to lean over looking for them. He grabbed onto them when he was on his back with no socks on.
He has lost interest in his swing and has moved onto a jumparoo that his family in the Tricities gave to him. His little toes barely touch the ground but he gets it moving and enjoys touching the toys.
And my favorite.... he LAUGHED! Saturday night I got him to giggle about 6 times by blowing hard kisses on the bottom of his feet. It was the best.