Wednesday, August 28, 2013

What's the 1 Year Old up to?

Our big boy baby, who weighed 19 pounds 4 oz at his one year check up, likes to climb, put objects inside of other objects, and open and close things.  He has gotten over his aversion to eating off of a spoon and tolerates cold things which means he now loves fudgesicles.  He has 8 teeth in the front and 2 molars pushing through.  He is so close to walking!  He thinks it is hilarious to crawl away from me and go into our bedroom where he giggles as I crawl behind him and he squeals happily when I swoop him up.  He loves looking at dogs and cats.  He is not as keen on touching them.  He is still a great sleeper who takes regular naps and usually sleeps 8 hour stretches at night.  He is very friendly and loves waving hello and goodbye but he also gets shy at times and hides his head.  He has gotten more cuddly in the past week or so.  It is fantastic to just hold him on my lap and snuggle.
Lookin' good in Dad's glasses

Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Portland Zoo

Ethan took his first trip to the zoo last week.  He especially liked the black bears and the tanks with large fish and turtles.  He loves watching fish swim!!

Ethan and Coleson, 6 months look at a toy during a play break

We went to the zoo with our friends Danielle and Coleson 

Tired little boys after a day of exictement

Weekend at Grandma and Papa's

Ethan showed off his stair climbing, food tossing and love for fish tanks last weekend at Grandma and Grandpa's.  

Like a true 1 year old, paper in the mouth is more appealing than opening a present

                               I just love this picture!  
Bear crawling in the backyard

Quizzically looking at lavendar

Thursday, August 15, 2013

First Cupcake

Grandma Sandy gave Ethan a tiny cupcake for his pre-birthday bash