Saturday, March 28, 2015

To Market to Market

We had a really fun (and wet!) weekend with Papa Dan and Grandma Colleen.  We even had a surprise visit from my Uncle Glen.  It was so nice of him to drive down from north of Seattle for just a day trip!
Having lunch at the Vancouver Farmer's Market during a wet opening weekend

Thursday, March 26, 2015

Kite Flyer

During Grammy and Grampy's last visit we had perfect kite weather.  We headed to the park and Ethan flew the kite all by himself, only letting go once;)

Flying solo!!

 Mommy explains you must hold on

Playing with Food

Ethan is still very interested in preparing food.  I would love for him to be a great cook someday.  He could honestly boast that he had been cooking since he was 2 1/2!
 Fruit salad is becoming one of his specialties

                   Banana peel octopus                           Yelling like a banana octopus with Dad

Cutting spinach with his new lettuce knife

Cute and Creative

I do not teach Ethan catch phrases and ask him to perform.  I'd rather he always be natural and himself but....he is saying the cutest thing lately and I can't stop egging him on.  It's adorable.  If you tell him he's cute, or precious, or a turkey, or whatever, he will say, "I'm not cute, I'm Ethan Roberts", in his sweet little boy voice.  I am pretty sure he's onto Jeremy and I loving it.

Gearing up for some rainy play.  Every toddler should have a full body rain suit.  Seriously.  The hat is from his Great Grandma.  

 Ethan was so excited that he made circles in the carpet with a plastic bowl.  I was so excited he was so excited and that he knew correctly that it was a circle.  It is awesome to watch how much he learns now.

Wearing a play doh hat he made with Grammy during her last visit

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Currently Ethan Likes....

 ...Everything in the kitchen.  He has been really into pretend cooking and helping out with real food for awhile.  A new twist is emptying out the cupboards and playing grocery store.  Sometimes there is stacking...

...Hiding!  He loves to hide and be hidden from.  Almost every time I come home from working out he hides under blankets with Daddy and waits for me to find him.  Too cute.

 ...Cooking.  Last night he cut apart oranges with a plastic knife.  He was so proud to have us eat his fruit salad at dinner.  Daddy helped him get started and then he did 4 oranges all by himself.

....Gardening.  I can't help but smile when he tells me the tulip bulb he planted is going to grow big like a tree, when he waters a plant and expects it to grow in front of his eyes, or when he pulled out a tiny chive with the bulb attached and told me it was a turnip.  Such a sweet boy.