Friday, April 27, 2018

Spring Break in Tucson

With Auntie E before she moved back to France

Feeding a gentle giant

A butterfly lands on Ethan's hat at the Tucson Botanical Garden

Lizards are fun to find!

Walking at Sabino Canyon

At the Science Center

Part boy, part robot

Playing music in the shade on a hot afternoon at the zoo with Drew and Auntie Cherie

Monday, April 9, 2018


Nothing compares to being with cousins.  Wish Ethan could be with them SO much more...

Sunday, April 1, 2018

Happy Easter with Grammy and Grampy

Robots at OMSI

The robots are at OMSI! Plus Ethan held a stick bug which he did not like the feeling of on his skin. Too prickly.

Happy Birthday Ms. Woodhouse

Ethan made a birthday creation for his teacher. He really likes her and going to school.

Forrest Kittie

Ethan is no longer a racoon. He is now a kittie. I think it arose from playing with his new bff, Thalia, at Ellsworth. It's cute. He builds kittie houses out of pillows, pretends to only want to eat tuna, and he meows, perhaps too much, but how else can you let people know you are a kittie?

Kitchen Volcano